Arts martiaux > Arts martiaux Chinois > Sanda
It's great to find <a href="">soeomne</a> so on the ball
Late to the party, but honestly? I’d like to read your commentary on other works (Cs/ele/PsychaDtxter being good examples), but if it were two separate blogs, I’d probably never go to the other one. I’d definitely prefer they stayed as one.It’s less that I’m lazy, and more that I’ve got too many sites too keep track of as it is.
I wish. Then I wouldn't have had to see the micasul STOMP. Instead, these guys just pump up this Mario Brothers style music while jumping out of their truck to take the trash to a better home. I looked at my videos from last year and unfortunately I couldn't find the video of the music. I'll check again later, and if I cant find it I'll wait for em in December. I'll be Bowser.
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