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Cercle des Arts Internes

Arts martiaux > Arts martiaux Chinois > Taiji quan (Taichi Chuan)

Cercle des Arts Internes Cercle des arts internes    
( 24 visites depuis le 02-07-2009 )
Tai chi chuan,tui shou, stages et cours de tai chi tous styles, cours particuliers de tai chi. pa kua avec wong tun ken . shiatsu. maisons alfort, montreuil, vincennes
http://cercle.arts.neuf.fr  fr  

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Darold a écrit le 12-03-2017 :
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very imtaptonr. http://xpfalwzcw.com [url=http://ljbatyfbzb.com]ljbatyfbzb[/url] [link=http://iggsxbsacy.com]iggsxbsacy[/link]

Dragon a écrit le 09-03-2017 :
It's like you're on a <a href="http://opgrqpccgf.com">miiossn</a> to save me time and money!

Keyanna a écrit le 05-03-2017 :
I am really enjoying your chatting with Ben and the changing your mindset. I do not want to make mistakes that cannot be reicfited. I want to go forward and start building wealth and not go backwards. I need to forget about the past and only look ahead. Thank you Rick and BenVerity

Pedrito a écrit le 31-08-2015 :
That is a solid idea, Ian. Currently my classes are a bit in flux, but i can indclue a link to my teaching gigs page. Cheers for the thought!The site name is one that has been swimming around in my head for sometime. It's from my favorite Tai Chi move name: Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain. The kitchen part represents the real mountain I had to conquer on my way down from 396 lbs. Glad you dig it!

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